Dismantling Cancer Through the Community Health Worker Workforce

Project Description Narrative:

Communities of color in Wisconsin are disproportionately impacted and most devasted by cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, the COVID-19 epidemic has led to delayed cancer screenings, which can result in missed and advanced cancer diagnosis and an increase in cancer-related deaths. In communities of color most affected and impacted by this decline, this will only widen the racial divide in cancer mortality.
However, there is evidence that the training and deployment of community health workers (CHWs) can help mitigate declines in cancer screening by facilitating access to services and improving the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.
Through this award, project partners will develop and implement a cancer screening protocol to support increased screening, detection and prevention in Wisconsin.

Community partners:
SVT Group, American Cancer Society, UW-Madison Community Academic Aging Research Network (CAARN)


Bridging the Gap Between Communities of Color and the Health Care System: A Q&A with UniteWI Founder and Executive Director Bria Grant


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